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Yael is a UX writer who specializes in complex products. She’s written health, financial, and other products used by more than 100 million people around the world. After a BA in journalism and MSc and PhD in neurobiology, Yael discovered her passion for making innovative tech accessible to mass markets through clear, helpful, data-driven microcopy. She is also an em-dash enthusiast and avid baker.

Yael Ben-David

UX writer
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Tel Aviv, Israel
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


Speak Up! Get Out of Your Own Way and Take the Stage

Inspirational, Women in Tech, Professional Development, Soft Skills, Leadership

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Each and every one of us has unique experiences and knowledge to share with the community. So why aren’t more voices being heard?

Imposter Syndrome.

When you see a speakers lineup at a professional conference, you might think, “Who am I to walk amongst them?” Don’t. Instead ask, “Who am I to hoard my knowledge and experience and keep it to myself?” Let’s talk about how you can set Imposter Syndrome aside so we can all benefit from what you have to say.

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Good Copy Is Good Business: The ROI of Microcopy

UX / UI, Design, Product, Content, Business Development

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Good UX writing puts its money where its mouth is. When done right, you can end up with successes like the “$300 million button”. This talk will dive into examples and data showing how good microcopy makes money—by increasing engagement, conversion, and delight, and decreasing friction. We’ll also look at how UX writing saves money—by lowering engineering costs, decreasing Support tickets, and increasing retention which in turn decreases customer acquisition cost. Want that seat at the table? Bring the numbers and they’ll never let you leave.

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Little Words, Big Ideas: How to Write Microcopy That Works

Content, UX / UI, Design, Product, Marketing

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Microcopy is the core of UX writing and it’s everywhere. Microcopy is all of the small bits of text that guide users through their journey, whether on a web app, mobile app, or even in text messages and beyond. It includes buttons, menus, push notifications, navigation elements, link text… the list goes on and on. It’s powerful. (Did you hear about the $300 million-button? I’ll tell you about it in this talk!) And often, technical writers, product managers, and even developers end up writing it.
In this talk I’ll share some theory, a lot of tips for everyday UX writing no matter your role, and lots of real life examples and data.

You’ll walk away with:
- Principles that you can apply in your work
- Tools that will improve your process and output
- Practical guidelines to use for reference
- Resources to learn more
- A burning desire to get writing!

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Writing Two Sides of One Transaction

Content, Marketing, UX / UI, Design, Product

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What do Airbnb, ebay, and LinkedIn have in common?

They are two-sided platforms: on one side there are users offering something and on the other, users who want it. The value of these products is dependent on bringing both sides into the same product. Fundbox’s payments platform also has two two sides: The businesses who pay for purchases with Fundbox credit and the businesses who accept the payment method.

In this talk I'll dive into how to do it:
How do you write microcopy that resonates with multiple user segments?
How do you address the segments’ different pain points all in one interface?
How do you find the terminology that sounds natural and garners trust from users in different worlds?
When do you maintain multiple versions that are more segment-specific and what do you do when that’s not possible?

I will explain the approach, methodologies, and tools they use at Fundbox to solve these challenges and how they can be applied to any product.

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Speak Up! Get Out of Your Own Way and Take the Stage







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Good Copy Is Good Business: The ROI of Microcopy







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Little Words, Big Ideas: How to Write Microcopy That Works







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Writing Two Sides of One Transaction







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