About the conference
Our IWD-2024 conference will take place on Pi Day (3.14), a fitting date for this proud celebration of geekiness and knowledge. As always, we’ll have an incredible amount of talent on stage, showcasing
some of the best women leaders in the global tech scene, registered on the Women on Stage Platform.
Our speakers will share their invaluable insights in 3 main tracks:
Data and AI | Software Engineering | Diversity and Inclusion
All talks are designed to inspire our global community and give you practical, useful knowledge.
The conference will be available live and as recorded VOD, so you’ll be able to watch it at your own pace. Links will be provided on the day of the conference to everyone who registers.
Join us, wherever you are, for inspiration, community, and to learn something new!
All genders are welcome. Join us!
Please review our Code of Conduct.
Any questions? Email contact@womenonstage.net
Media partners

OPENING WORDS - Why We Still Need International Women's Day
Moran Weber
CEO & Founder of Women on Stage
Women on Stage conferences
After organizing dozens of local events and conferences, we’ve decided to take things to the next level, and make sure the incredible voices of the women in our community are heard, loud and clear - EVERYWHERE.
The free global virtual tech conferences we’re hosting will feature some of the best speakers registered on the Women on Stage Platform, and make our superb tech content accessible, global, and on-demand.
Conference videos
Women on Stage International Women's Day 2024 Global Virtual Conference