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Sigal Kellermann is the co-founder of CM System Designs, who have over 30 years’ experience in helping small and medium companies realise their digital potential and improve their efficiency & profitability.
As a software developer, business analyst and database specialist, she has a long history of leading projects across diverse industries including projects for the likes of Microsoft and Pizza Express. She specialises in building web-based Business Workflow Management systems with a people-centric approach.
Sigal Kellermann
Software developer
English, Hebrew
Dorking, United Kingdom
Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!
How to Digitally Transform your business… on your own terms!
Business Development, Inspirational, Entrepreneurship, Software Engineering
Our businesses have all been forced to rapidly undergo some degree of digital transformation by the Coronavirus crisis, but now more than ever, a well-planned digital transformation strategy is vital for both surviving and excelling in what comes next.
In this webinar Sigal will teach you some key strategies in using technology to make your business more efficient, more resilient and more future proof.
A successful digital transformation allows companies to provide great service to customers, compete more effectively and maximise the efficiency of their workforce.
In the coming months, using digital technologies effectively is going to be a key factor in determining which companies not only survive but also thrive in the ‘new normal’.
The webinar will demonstrate an example of a 3-step approach to preparing your company’s strategy for digital transformation.
How to Digitally Transform your business… on your own terms!
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