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Shani Evenstein Sigalov is an educator, researcher and Free Knowledge advocate, focusing on bridging gender, language and social gaps in free knowledge projects.
She currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit that runs Wikipedia - the 5th biggest website in the world. She is also Chief Editor and Chairperson for Project Ben-Yehuda, the biggest, free, online library of Hebrew writings.
Shani has served as a lecturer at Tel Aviv University since 2013, designing and leading academic courses focusing on integrating Wikimedia projects into the academic curriculum. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Education and Technology, researching Wikidata as a learning platform, as an Azrieli Foundation Research Fellow.

Shani Evenstein Sigalov

Educator, researcher and Free Knowledge advocate
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English, Hebrew
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Herzeliya, Israel
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


How I ended up on the Board of the 5th biggest website in the world

Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Women in Tech, Diversity and Inclusion, Innovation, Inspirational

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I give a range of different talks on Wikipedia, Wikidata, the Free Knowledge movement, working with Educational and Cultural institutions to make free knowledge available for all, The gender gap and other knowledge gaps in Wikipedia, implementing Wikipedia and Wikidata into the academic curriculum, Project Ben Yehuda, how to change the world through "wisdom of the crowd" projects, EdTech Innovation, EdTech entrepreneurship, and women in Tech.

I usually tailor the talk or workshop according to the audience and needs requested when invited.

Below is an example of a short lecture (15 min) I gave recently on Wikidata, Cultural Heritage and Education, at a webinar hosted by the Science Museum, The Victoria & Albert Museum and the University of London. Again, one example of one topic out of many I can give.

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How I ended up on the Board of the 5th biggest website in the world







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