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I’m Rashelle and I’m a front end developer with a passion for Front-End infrastructure, currently building DAM products and design systems @Cloudinary. Started my development career during my service in the 8200 unit, later joined Flok which was acquired by WIX.
I’m an open source lover and contributor, and in my wildest dreams - becoming an ECMAScript editor .In the past year, with COVID-19 influences, I have become passionate about growing plants, and killing them from time to time.
Rashelle Kosiborod
Senior Front-End Developer
English, Hebrew

Tel-Aviv, Israel

Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!
Being a Front End Developer in Devops Shoes - Using Github Actions
Software Engineering, Frontend, Professional Development, Innovation

A lot of front-end developers had a chance to work on full-scale projects, then quickly began writing features, fixing bugs, and architecting their code. Surprisingly, few of them raised this important question: We developers create the app, but what puts it on the internet?
As front-end developers, we could ignore this aspect and go on believing everything will be done by other magicians — but we shouldn’t. The IT world is changing at a great pace, and soon, this knowledge will make you more valuable as a developer, regardless of whether you’re on the front-end or the backend.
In this talk you’re going to hear about why and how Github Actions can help you advance with your career as a software developer.

Being a Front End Developer in Devops Shoes - Using Github Actions
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