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Krithika is a software engineer with 8 years of experience in a variety of industries like streaming services, fintech, and social media. Krithika thrives when she is working on solving complex people problems that lead to innovation in products.
She is great at bringing a large group of people together to come up with complex and scalable solutions with several moving parts. Coming from an unconventional background in bioengineering herself, she is passionate about propagating a growth mindset.
She mentors young professionals, especially women, in the areas of career development in the tech industry.

Krithika Chandramouli

Fullstack Product Engineer @ Meta
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Menlo Park, United States
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


Leading with Empathy

Soft Skills, Leadership, Inspirational, Diversity and Inclusion, Women in Tech

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With the prevalent hustle culture of the Silicon Valley today, we often tend to look at people as resources who can get things done for us. We’re often reporting up to someone above us that is setting goals for us to achieve. In all of this, we sometimes forget that we’re people. Let's get together to try and unpack how this affects teams and organizations.

Read more about my thoughts on this in my Medium story published for Code Like A Girl:

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Demystifying Code Reviews

Software Engineering, Frontend, Backend, Women in Tech

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Code reviews can be daunting, and aren’t talked about much. In this talk, I will start by talking about why entry level and mid level engineers are afraid of code reviews. I will then explore some best practices that can help engineers get started with code reviews. I will finally cover what it takes to be an expert code reviewer, and someone who can contribute in a large way with their code reviews.

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Growing from a Junior Engineer to Tech Lead

Software Engineering, Frontend, Backend, Leadership, Women in Tech

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Navigating your career in tech as a woman can be overwhelming without the right guidance, and one might be tempted to go with the flow and continue doing what you’re doing. But learning what it takes to become a technical leader can help you build the right set of skills from the onset of your career, especially with a growth mindset.

In this talk you will learn how many stages there are in growing from a junior engineer to a tech lead, what the expectations are at each stage, and what it takes to advance to the next stage. You will also learn at which stages you should leverage your strengths, and when you should work on your growth areas, to accelerate your trajectory. From my years of mentoring, I will also shed light on some common beliefs that hold us back and how we can work on some of these aspects.

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Resilience in the Face of Layoffs

General, Leadership, Business Development, Inspirational

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Lay offs are like a bad break up- abrupt and without closure. In the current climate with companies laying off several talented people, it is good to have resilience in our emotional toolkit. Having seen two lay offs in my career, I have experienced the entire range of emotions.
In this talk I will shed light on the mindset we can develop to brave through difficult times in the industry. If you are impacted by a layoff, this talk will go over things you can do to get back on your feet. If you are someone that is experiencing survivor guilt, this talk will cover how you can handle those emotions and understand what it means to carry on after a layoff.

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A Counter Approach to Overcoming Your Impostor Syndrome

Entrepreneurship, General, Soft Skills, Innovation, Women in Tech

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Steve Jobs' most famous quote is probably "I've never found anybody who didn't want to help me if I ask them for help". This is something that I applied to my life, and you could to yours too! From changing majors at the graduate degree level, to navigating my way to a senior tech lead position at Meta, has taken a lot of overcoming my own impostor syndrome. But the only way to overcome my fears was to get out of the negative feedback loop. Every time I asked for an opportunity instead of waiting for it, I let go of the fear of rejection a little more. There is a lot that you can learn from my journey and key points in my life where the only reason I got an opportunity was because I asked for it. I will talk through some practical tips that can help you navigate similar situations in your career as well! Don't wait for a great opportunity, ask for one: A counter approach to overcoming yourself

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Building a Configurable Application that Scales as a Platform in JS

Software Engineering, Backend, Frontend, UX / UI, Design, Product

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In this talk, I will go over key principles that can be used to architect a robust config based application in ReactJS and GraphQL that has the potential to scale into it's own platform. I will also go over specific use cases for such configurable application, and how to avoid common pitfalls while designing an application like this.

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Leading with Empathy







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Demystifying Code Reviews







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Growing from a Junior Engineer to Tech Lead







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Resilience in the Face of Layoffs







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A Counter Approach to Overcoming Your Impostor Syndrome







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Building a Configurable Application that Scales as a Platform in JS







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