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Einat is an experienced engineering leader who is passionate about developing people, software, and products. She has been mastering the engineering field for two decades and has vast experience in scale and architecture challenges. She mentors both developers and managers, and also volunteers as a program manager at Baot, the largest community in Israel for women in R&D.

Einat Mahat

R&D Group Leader
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English, Hebrew
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Hod HaSharon, Israel
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


The Legend of the Arsonist Firefighter

Soft Skills, Software Engineering, Inspirational

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I always looked at ops and data-ops teams as a little girl admiring firefighters. They swoop in, “saving the day” on production incidents and to me they were heroes. A few years later I was leading a team of firefighters, only to learn that sometimes the firefighters were the ones that started that particular fire.

In this talk I will share my courageous story of being the lieutenant of firefighters, fighting production incidents and fires we sometimes set ourselves - how it shaped the team and what methodologies we used to prevent the next fires.

After this session, you will see production incidents and the people that handle them in a new heroic light, and the next time you will fight your own production fire at 3AM you will still feel tired, but also a little proud.

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The Road to Seniority; Or: What Engineering Managers Want

Software Engineering, Soft Skills, Professional Development, Inspirational

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When thinking about “Senior Developer” what pops to your mind? Is “seniority” a function of the years of experience a person has or do we take other things into consideration?

I believe that seniors have several traits that go beyond their years of experience, and those who exhibit such “seniority” traits, even when they are “fresh” to the industry, make themselves more valuable to their managers and organizations, while other developers have many years of experience but are still missing the behavioral aspects expected of them.

In this talk I will share my experience both as a senior developer in several companies and also my perspective from the “other side” - as an experienced Engineering Manager. This lecture can benefit developers in all levels - while the experienced developers might reflect on their way to seniority, new developers can get a glimpse of what is expected of them and pave their way to seniority.

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The Art (and Benefits) of Taking Risks

Software Engineering, Professional Development, Inspirational, Leadership

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Imagine you work in an engineering organization with zero tolerance for taking risks. How does that feel? Now imagine the opposite - your leadership cultivates taking risks, acknowledging that it is a part of building stuff and supports you even when things go wrong. Which organization do you want to be a part of?

There is a scale for the level an organization has tolerance and acceptance for errors, that sets the tone for taking risks. In this talk I will focus on risk-enablers - discussing the advantages that it brings both to the organization and the engineers. I’ll share my experience regarding practices to minimize and manage these risks successfully.

This talk will teach you all you need to know about why it is a good idea to enable taking risks both as a manager and as a developer, yet how to still stay in the safe(r)-zone.

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Creating On-Call Heroes: Strategies for Effective On-Call Practices

Software Engineering, Professional Development, Leadership

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Engineer on-call (a.k.a Roster) is a common practice, yet some people dread it. I believe in the importance of engineering on-call culture that will lead to positive and effective on-call experience for engineers that will ultimately create on-call heroes!

The talk will explore the benefits and challenges of implementing on-call systems, best practices for on-call duties and strategies for creating a positive experience around on-call.
Additionally, the talk will delve into the role of leadership in promoting a positive on-call culture and empowering engineers to be effective on-call responders. By focusing on these key areas, teams can create an on-call culture that benefits both the organization and the individual engineers.

If you follow the lessons learned from this talk, you will be able to create on-call heroes in your organization in no time.

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Raising Leaders: What My Kids Taught Me About Leading Effectively

Soft Skills, Professional Development, Leadership

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Is leading engineers similar to being a parent of multiple kids? You’ll be surprised what your kids might teach you regarding leadership.

Growing and empowering kids has given me several insights regarding leading people as an engineering manager. In this talk I will share five tips for effective leadership that I learned from my experiences as a parent. I will discuss how these insights can be applied to managing engineering teams and provide examples of how I have put these tips into practice in my day-to-day work.

After this talk you’ll have a fresh perspective on both leadership and parenting. And if you’re a parent - you’ll probably start taking leadership advice from your own kids.

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CQRS Pattern - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Software Engineering, Backend

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CQRS, or Command Query Responsibility Segregation, is a popular architecture pattern, but choosing to use it could either make or break your architecture, depending on several factors.

While it offers many benefits, such as increased robustness and fault tolerance, it can also lead to major production issues that will make you lose sleep if not implemented correctly.
We’ll discuss CQRS’ good parts and not so good (bad?) parts, and how to avoid its ugly side. I will share my personal experience from two different projects, highlighting the use cases that are well-suited to CQRS and those that are not. I will discuss the advantages and potential pitfalls of using CQRS, and provide guidance on how to avoid common mistakes when implementing this pattern.

By the end of this session, you will have a full understanding of whether or not CQRS is right for your architecture, and how to implement it successfully if you choose to use it.

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Debugging Babies’ Sleep: When a Determined Software Engineer is Tired

Software Engineering, Inspirational, Soft Skills

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Most developers I know like to solve problems, plan and write code, much more than having to debug. But what should a developer do when there’s a baby in the picture and the malfunction is by design?

In this session, I will discuss how I applied software engineering and testing techniques to help my babies sleep better at night. As the good developer-mom I am, I tried to design and compile my babies into “sleeping-well-from-the-beginning babies”, using plans, guidelines, flow charts and a lot of debugging. I documented the process, shared knowledge and regularly reflected on my experience with several meaningful retrospectives.

After this session, you will have a better understanding of baby sleep and practical tips - good sleeping habits, daily routines and ceremonies that might come in handy. Additionally, you will learn never to jinx your own sleep by saying “my baby sleeps well!”.

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Unlocking the Secrets of the 10x Developer: Strategies for Boosting Productivity and Innovation

Software Engineering, Soft Skills, Professional Development

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Are you struggling to find ways to increase your productivity and drive innovation in your organization? Are you tired of hearing the term "10x developer" used negatively to describe isolated superstars who don't work well with others?

This talk aims to change that perception and present the 10x developer as a positive, impactful force in any organization. By sharing practical strategies and real-life examples, we'll explore how to become an Impact Player - the kind of developer that teams and organizations crave.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this talk is for any developer looking to increase their impact and bring added value to their organization.

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The Legend of the Arsonist Firefighter







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The Road to Seniority; Or: What Engineering Managers Want







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The Art (and Benefits) of Taking Risks







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Creating On-Call Heroes: Strategies for Effective On-Call Practices







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Raising Leaders: What My Kids Taught Me About Leading Effectively







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CQRS Pattern - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly







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Debugging Babies’ Sleep: When a Determined Software Engineer is Tired







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Unlocking the Secrets of the 10x Developer: Strategies for Boosting Productivity and Innovation







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