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Dana Averbuch is the Head of Data Science in Pick A Pier. She is a highly experienced Data Scientist in the fields of machine learning and classical algorithms. She holds an MSc in Computational Biology- Mathematical Modeling and has led the data science field in various startups in various domains such as Healthcare, Wellness, Women Safety, and Maritime. Dana also serves as an advisor for early-stage startups and helps them get on the data leverage track. In her spare time, she volunteers in 'Baot', Israel’s largest community of women in R&D, where she mentors fellow data scientists, during their job search process.

Dana Averbuch

Head of Data Science
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English, Hebrew
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Givatayim, Israel
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


Learn the Craft of Matching Sea Crafts

Data / AI / ML, Inspirational, Innovation

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Compared to other industries such as hotel booking and flight reservations, the maritime domain has been left behind. At Pick A Pier, we are trying to change it by taking the entire industry forward, providing technological solutions for all the necessities of marinas and skippers in the industry.
One of the problems I had to solve was to invent a matching algorithm that matches between boats and berths. As data scientists, we face the challenge to always catch up with the latest research and technology, throughout our career. This important practice may cause our society a huge conflict. On one hand, we would want to implement the most inspiring and sophisticated idea possible, using the most cutting-edge technology. On the other hand, not always the most innovative idea, is the one which suits best the product or the business.
In my talk, I'll present the matching algorithm I invented. This unique solution creates the ability to save a spot that best suits each boat!

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Learn the Craft of Matching Sea Crafts







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