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Hi, my name is Dr. Avital Beck. I am the CEO CSO and co-founder of Diagnosestick, a startup that revolutionizes the way parents understand their family's health. I am a scientist. I did my PHD in molecular biology at the Weizmann institute of science. I am an entrepreneur, a mother of six and I am a religious woman. I am also in the middle of establishing an accelerator for religious and hareidi women. My life goal is to empower women, both in business and in the combination of motherhood and career. I give many talks around entrepreneurship, professional development, gender equality, diversity, and inclusion etc... I have 15 years of experience speaking on stages.. and I love it.

Avital Beck

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English, Hebrew
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rehovot, Israel
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Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!


My best tips for opening a startup, and enjoying it! or how to be a CEO and a mother of six (yes! is is possible!)

Professional Development, Inspirational, Innovation, Diversity and Inclusion, Women in Tech, Leadership, Entrepreneurship

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Do you want to open a startup? are you not sure you know/you can do it?
As a co-founder and CEO of a startup company that has raised money and launched 2 products in the US, Avital Beck tells her story while giving a great toolbox to new entrepreneurs who want to open their own startup but do not know how. The best tips. How to do it? how to build a team? how to raise money? how to set plans? and give practical answers to burning questions such as ; what if I don't come from the field? if I have no connections and no experience?etc...

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how to be a CEO and a mother of six (yes! is is possible!)

Inspirational, Women in Tech, Business Development, Diversity and Inclusion, Professional Development

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My best tips as a mother of six, and a CEO and co-founder of a company. How do you really combine family and work? in an era when women want to have it all, a good career without giving up the raising of their children.. how is it done? Do we need to give something up? is there a way to juggle it all? I give a toolbox of ideas tips, to-do lists, apps, and empower women to pursue great careers while raising children, happily.

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How to turn an idea to a sold product

Inspirational, Innovation, Women in Tech, Diversity and Inclusion, Product, Entrepreneurship

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The steps to take an idea and turn it into a product. Avital Beck PHD has developed a product in the lab and turned it into a digital health diagnostic system that is sold in amazon. what are the steps that should be taken? what are the milestones? what do you need? how do I make sure my product is good How do I improve it?...

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My best tips for opening a startup, and enjoying it! or how to be a CEO and a mother of six (yes! is is possible!)







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how to be a CEO and a mother of six (yes! is is possible!)







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How to turn an idea to a sold product







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