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Forbes magazine has written about Adi Weitzhandler: "In recent years, we have been constantly informed of the growing business relations between Chinese and Israeli companies, Adv. Adi Weitzhandler is one of those who make it happen”.
Adi is a problem solver, in China and in Israel, from the construction of the relationship and the identification of opportunities along corp development. Adi is the owner of AiDi Consulting, a China – Israel strategic consulting company.
Among Adi's clients: Beijing Urban Construction Design, Brightfood’s acquisition of Tnuva (valued over $1B), Clalit HMO senior management, China Harbor Engineering Company (project valued $1B), iCarbonX (project valued over $1B), Natali Medical in its sale to SanPower (valued $70M) and others.
Adi Weitzhandler
Adv., Strategic Consultant
English, Hebrew, Mandarin

Tel Aviv, Israel

Can also give an online talk/webinar
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China - Step by Step
Business Development, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Diversity and Inclusion, Marketing

Doing business in China, understanding China's core values, learning cultural gaps and how to bridge them.
An overview of how China became the China we know today, and practical interpretation from the lecturer's experience working on China-Israel largest transactions.
Optional focus areas could be:
• The world post Covid-19: following China's route as a forecast to world economy.
• The Israeli innovation ecosystem with comparative angles to Made in China 2025.
• A case study of an Israel - China mega transaction analyzing gaps and bridging tactics to a successful deal.

China - Step by Step
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