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Liza Futerman is a specialist in public speaking. She's a multi faceted performer and a multi potentialite. Liza holds a masters degree from Oxford University, UK and half a PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada. Half way through her doctoral studies, Liza has realized that her true passion lies in entreprenurship to do with healthcare and arts, since then Liza has been pursuing a career as a digital artivist. Her TEDx talk "The Art of Living with Dementia" can be found online. While Liza is not busy offering international workshops on "How to tame your stage fright & imposter syndrome when working in high tech and building your next start up" she invests her creativity in the School of Human Thought & Artivism and in dancing with trees and writing poetry about her experiences.
Liza Futerman
Inspirational Speaker and Somatic Learning Specialist
English, Hebrew, Russian
Tel Aviv, Israel
Can also give an online talk/webinar
Paid only. Contact speaker for pricing!
How to tame your stage fright & imposter syndrome when working in high tech and building your next start up
General, Professional Development, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Women in Tech, Inspirational, HR, Community / Networking
How many of us struggle with shaky knees and increased blood pressure moments and sometimes maybe days before giving a presentation?
In many cases these phenomena that we recognize as stage fright, conseal a much deeper and much more profound truth about our core being, it's called the imposter syndrome and it often takes a toll on our ability to be our brightest, funniest, most eloquent and most efficient selves. Luckily, there are ways to work with these symptoms thus unlocking your true potential in a meriad of leadership roles. Using tools from authentic movement, improvisation theatre, bibliotherapy, contact improvisation and focusing strategies I invite you to join me for transformative and fun, profound and inspirational jorney of unlocking your true potential as an excellent public speaker who can transform the most boring and redundent subject into a fascinating and explorative personal and collective adventure. Join me for this ride.
Strategies for Failing Better when Life Fails You
General, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Community / Networking, Business Development, Women in Tech, Inspirational, Professional Development, HR
In 2017 I've delivered a TED talk after which I've experienced a nervous breakdown.
What led to it was a series of unfortunate events including my mom's diagnosis with Alzheimer's at the age of 58, my divorce and failing my PhD comprehensive exams.
Over the years of my doctoral studies I was enriched and inspired by my mom and my dad and empowered by the impact my work showed to have on people’s lives. However, as my mom's health deteriorated my nervous system started signaling for help.
I wish to share a story of a failing caregiver and researcher who broke down several times until she has rediscovered her strength in movement therapy. I wish to share a story of life and death of empathy and identification of caregiving and care taking. I wish to share my story of survival and triumph, and I wish for you to know that if you are on a similar path you can reach out for help. It's not a path to be taken alone. It is a together kind of way. I'm here to hold your hand, join me.
Non Violent Body Communication
General, Leadership, Inspirational
This workshop is an invitation to use our bodies as agents of change through which we can embody the giraffe language (non violent communication way of life) using our soma (body language). We are going to draw inspiration from the given moment, using improvisation techniques and strategies taken from Focusing and mediation practices.
Mediation 101: Using Immersive Theatre for Conflict Resolution
General, Soft Skills, Inspirational, HR
Each of us is an agent of change.
Participatory Art, like ritual, has transformative power.
We can foster a paradigm shift in the way we treat ourselves and the world around us by immersing ourselves in an embodied artistic experience.
Participatory art has the force of cultivating empathy, compassion, resilience, sustainability, response-ability, and social justice.
I create and mentor processes of immersive theatrical experiences that invite people from different sectors and different walks of life to come together and collaborate in order to create a meaningful transformative lived experience.
By curating dreamscapes in work, urban and online environments, I touch subjects that often times are excluded from mundane conversations and bring them to the forefront by offering an embodied, immersive and transformative experience for the participants.
Join me on this journey.
How to tame your stage fright & imposter syndrome when working in high tech and building your next start up
Strategies for Failing Better when Life Fails You
Non Violent Body Communication
Mediation 101: Using Immersive Theatre for Conflict Resolution
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